Saturday, May 1, 2010

One step forward,Two steps back

In order to go forwards, sometimes we need to go backwards.

          Just read a book called "From Anger to Forgiveness" by Earnie Larsen.                                              This whole journey is taking on a common thread and that is "GET REAL". As painful as that may be it's so important to be true to yourself about feelings you have. Not only feelings that may be suppressed from childhood but also feelings you have today lest they also become suppressed . My most surprising suppressed emotion has been anger. I would not call myself an angry person but to my surprise anger can manifest itself in different ways and for me it was people pleasing or "The Secret keeper" as Earnie calls it. Always keeping a happy front and always putting my own feelings aside in fear of that person being mad at me or not liking me. Anger is simply a reaction to injustice you have felt.  So childhood feelings of not being good enough is the root of my personal injustice and thus there is some anger there. It's so good to be free to discover these feelings in the safety of this time with God. His timing in revealing this to me has allowed me to go to these feelings with very little pain therefore making releasing and forgiving much easier.This has been an interesting time with God, He's so awesome!!!

          I wonder sometimes if my suppressed emotions live in my fat and once I release them and forgive them the fat will go too.......wouldn't that be nice!!!What do you think???

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